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Jak zaimportować zestaw kopii zapasowych Oracle 11g RMAN na nowy serwer bazy danych?

Nigdy nie używałem tego narzędzia, ale wygoogluję kilka minut, może to ci pomoże...

Bezpośredni link: Importowanie RMAP

Here is the script I use to restore the database from the backup, (I always clean up the database before restoring it.)

* Startup nomout;
* Set dbid xxxxxxxx // This is the dbid of your database
* Run {
Set controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to ''; // e.g. '/ora101/oradata/TAR/%F'
Restore controlfile from autobackup;
* Alter database mount; // can't restore without the database mounted
* Restore database; // can't run recover without first restore
* Recover database; // if the backup was from incremental, RMAN will try to apply all the logfiles generated after the backup was started.
* Alter database open resetlogs; 

// EDYCJA:Oto kolejny link z OraFaq .

  1. Database
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  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
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  15. MariaDB
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