W Oracle 11 możesz użyć pivot
klauzula wraz z unpivot
count_table as (
select 1001 device_id, 4 quantity from dual union all
select 1002 device_id, 20 quantity from dual union all
select 1003 device_id, 1 quantity from dual
device_table as (
select 1001 id, 'Yes' wifi, 'No' email, 'No' bluetooth from dual union all
select 1002 id, 'Yes' wifi, 'Yes' email, 'No' bluetooth from dual union all
select 1003 id, 'Unknown' wifi, 'Unknown' email, 'Yes' bluetooth from dual
select * from (
sum(quantity) quantity
count_table c join
device_table d on c.device_id = d.id
unpivot ( yes_no_unknown
for feature in (wifi, email, bluetooth)
group by
pivot ( sum (quantity)
for yes_no_unknown in ('Yes' as yes, 'No' as no, 'Unknown' as unknown)
Alternatywnie możesz chcieć połączyć dwie istniejące tabele z trzecią tabelą, która zawiera wartości dla trzech żądanych wierszy. Prawdopodobnie jest też nieco łatwiejszy do odczytania:
count_table as (
select 1001 device_id, 4 quantity from dual union all
select 1002 device_id, 20 quantity from dual union all
select 1003 device_id, 1 quantity from dual
device_table as (
select 1001 id, 'Yes' wifi, 'No' email, 'No' bluetooth from dual union all
select 1002 id, 'Yes' wifi, 'Yes' email, 'No' bluetooth from dual union all
select 1003 id, 'Unknown' wifi, 'Unknown' email, 'Yes' bluetooth from dual
sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi' and d.wifi = 'Yes' ) or
( f.txt = 'email' and d.email = 'Yes' ) or
( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'Yes' )
then c.quantity
else 0 end
) yes,
sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi' and d.wifi = 'No' ) or
( f.txt = 'email' and d.email = 'No' ) or
( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'No' )
then c.quantity
else 0 end
) no,
sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi' and d.wifi = 'Unknown' ) or
( f.txt = 'email' and d.email = 'Unknown' ) or
( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'Unknown' )
then c.quantity
else 0 end
) unknown
count_table c join
device_table d on c.device_id = d.id cross join
select 'wifi' txt from dual union all
select 'email' txt from dual union all
select 'bluetooth' txt from dual
) f
group by