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Agreguj nakładające się segmenty w celu pomiaru długości efektywnej

Moim głównym DBMS jest Teradata, ale to będzie działać tak samo jak w Oracle.

WITH all_meas AS
 ( -- get a distinct list of all from/to points
   SELECT road_id, from_meas AS meas
   FROM road_events
   SELECT road_id, to_meas
   FROM road_events
-- select * from all_meas order by 1,2
 , all_ranges AS
 ( -- create from/to ranges
   SELECT road_id, meas AS from_meas 
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY meas) AS to_meas
   FROM all_meas
 -- SELECT * from all_ranges order by 1,2
, all_event_ranges AS
 ( -- now match the ranges to the event ranges
     ,ar.to_meas - ar.from_meas AS event_length
     -- used to filter the latest event as multiple events might cover the same range 
      Over (PARTITION BY ar.road_id, ar.from_meas
            ORDER BY year DESC) AS rn
   FROM all_ranges ar
   JOIN road_events re
     ON ar.road_id = re.road_id
    AND ar.from_meas < re.to_meas
    AND ar.to_meas > re.from_meas
   WHERE ar.to_meas IS NOT NULL
SELECT event_id, road_id, year, total_road_length, Sum(event_length)
FROM all_event_ranges
WHERE rn = 1 -- latest year only
GROUP BY event_id, road_id, year, total_road_length
ORDER BY road_id, year DESC;

Jeśli chcesz zwrócić faktycznie objęte from/to_meas (tak jak w twoim pytaniu przed edycją), może to być bardziej skomplikowane. Pierwsza część jest taka sama, ale bez agregacji zapytanie może zwrócić sąsiadujące wiersze z tym samym identyfikatorem zdarzenia (np. dla zdarzenia 3:0-1 i 1-25):

SELECT * FROM all_event_ranges
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY road_id, from_meas;

Jeśli chcesz scalić sąsiednie wiersze, potrzebujesz jeszcze dwóch kroków (stosując standardowe podejście, oznacz pierwszy wiersz grupy i oblicz numer grupy):

WITH all_meas AS
   SELECT road_id, from_meas AS meas
   FROM road_events
   SELECT road_id, to_meas
   FROM road_events
-- select * from all_meas order by 1,2
 , all_ranges AS
   SELECT road_id, meas AS from_meas 
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY meas) AS to_meas
   FROM all_meas
-- SELECT * from all_ranges order by 1,2
, all_event_ranges AS
     ,ar.to_meas - ar.from_meas AS event_length
      Over (PARTITION BY ar.road_id, ar.from_meas
            ORDER BY year DESC) AS rn
   FROM all_ranges ar
   JOIN road_events  re
     ON ar.road_id = re.road_id
    AND ar.from_meas < re.to_meas
    AND ar.to_meas > re.from_meas
   WHERE ar.to_meas IS NOT NULL
-- SELECT * FROM all_event_ranges WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY road_id, from_meas
, adjacent_events AS 
 ( -- assign 1 to the 1st row of an event
   SELECT t.*
     ,CASE WHEN Lag(event_id)
                Over(PARTITION BY road_id
                     ORDER BY from_meas) = event_id
           THEN 0 
           ELSE 1 
      END AS flag
   FROM all_event_ranges t
   WHERE rn = 1
-- SELECT * FROM adjacent_events ORDER BY road_id, from_meas 
, grouped_events AS
 ( -- assign a groupnumber to adjacent rows using a Cumulative Sum over 0/1
   SELECT t.*
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY from_meas
            ROWS Unbounded Preceding) AS grp
   FROM adjacent_events t
-- SELECT * FROM grouped_events ORDER BY  road_id, from_meas
SELECT event_id, road_id, year, Min(from_meas), Max(to_meas), total_road_length, Sum(event_length)
FROM grouped_events
GROUP BY event_id, road_id, grp, year, total_road_length
ORDER BY 2, Min(from_meas);


Ups, właśnie znalazłem bloga Nakładające się zakresy z priorytetem robi dokładnie to samo z uproszczoną składnią Oracle. W rzeczywistości przetłumaczyłem moje zapytanie z innej uproszczonej składni w Teradata na Standard/Oracle SQL :-)

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