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Rozmyte dopasowanie przy użyciu T-SQL

Odkryłem, że rzeczy, które SQL Server daje do wykonania rozmytego dopasowania, są dość niezgrabne. Miałem naprawdę szczęście z moimi własnymi funkcjami CLR używającymi algorytmu odległości Levenshteina i ważenia. Korzystając z tego algorytmu, stworzyłem następnie UDF o nazwie GetSimilarityScore, który pobiera dwa ciągi i zwraca wynik między 0,0 a 1,0. Im bliżej 1.0 jest mecz, tym lepiej. Następnie wykonaj zapytanie z progiem>=0,8 lub podobnym, aby uzyskać najbardziej prawdopodobne dopasowania. Coś takiego:

if object_id('tempdb..#similar') is not null drop table #similar
select a.id, (
    select top 1 x.id
   from MyTable x
   where x.id <> a.id
   order by dbo.GetSimilarityScore(a.MyField, x.MyField) desc
) as MostSimilarId
into #similar
from MyTable a

select *, dbo.GetSimilarityScore(a.MyField, c.MyField)
from MyTable a
join #similar b on a.id = b.id
join MyTable c on b.MostSimilarId = c.id

Po prostu nie rób tego z naprawdę dużymi stołami. To powolny proces.


''' <summary>
''' Compute the distance between two strings.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="s1">The first of the two strings.</param>
''' <param name="s2">The second of the two strings.</param>
''' <returns>The Levenshtein cost.</returns>
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _
Public Shared Function ComputeLevenstheinDistance(ByVal string1 As SqlString, ByVal string2 As SqlString) As SqlInt32
    If string1.IsNull OrElse string2.IsNull Then Return SqlInt32.Null
    Dim s1 As String = string1.Value
    Dim s2 As String = string2.Value

    Dim n As Integer = s1.Length
    Dim m As Integer = s2.Length
    Dim d As Integer(,) = New Integer(n, m) {}

    ' Step 1
    If n = 0 Then Return m
    If m = 0 Then Return n

    ' Step 2
    For i As Integer = 0 To n
        d(i, 0) = i

    For j As Integer = 0 To m
        d(0, j) = j

    ' Step 3
    For i As Integer = 1 To n
        'Step 4
        For j As Integer = 1 To m
            ' Step 5
            Dim cost As Integer = If((s2(j - 1) = s1(i - 1)), 0, 1)

            ' Step 6
            d(i, j) = Math.Min(Math.Min(d(i - 1, j) + 1, d(i, j - 1) + 1), d(i - 1, j - 1) + cost)
    ' Step 7
    Return d(n, m)
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Returns a score between 0.0-1.0 indicating how closely two strings match.  1.0 is a 100%
''' T-SQL equality match, and the score goes down from there towards 0.0 for less similar strings.
''' </summary>
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _
Public Shared Function GetSimilarityScore(string1 As SqlString, string2 As SqlString) As SqlDouble
    If string1.IsNull OrElse string2.IsNull Then Return SqlInt32.Null

    Dim s1 As String = string1.Value.ToUpper().TrimEnd(" "c)
    Dim s2 As String = string2.Value.ToUpper().TrimEnd(" "c)
    If s1 = s2 Then Return 1.0F ' At this point, T-SQL would consider them the same, so I will too

    Dim flatLevScore As Double = InternalGetSimilarityScore(s1, s2)

    Dim letterS1 As String = GetLetterSimilarityString(s1)
    Dim letterS2 As String = GetLetterSimilarityString(s2)
    Dim letterScore As Double = InternalGetSimilarityScore(letterS1, letterS2)

    'Dim wordS1 As String = GetWordSimilarityString(s1)
    'Dim wordS2 As String = GetWordSimilarityString(s2)
    'Dim wordScore As Double = InternalGetSimilarityScore(wordS1, wordS2)

    If flatLevScore = 1.0F AndAlso letterScore = 1.0F Then Return 1.0F
    If flatLevScore = 0.0F AndAlso letterScore = 0.0F Then Return 0.0F

    ' Return weighted result
    Return (flatLevScore * 0.2F) + (letterScore * 0.8F)
End Function

Private Shared Function InternalGetSimilarityScore(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Double
    Dim dist As SqlInt32 = ComputeLevenstheinDistance(s1, s2)
    Dim maxLen As Integer = If(s1.Length > s2.Length, s1.Length, s2.Length)
    If maxLen = 0 Then Return 1.0F
    Return 1.0F - Convert.ToDouble(dist.Value) / Convert.ToDouble(maxLen)
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Sorts all the alpha numeric characters in the string in alphabetical order
''' and removes everything else.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function GetLetterSimilarityString(s1 As String) As String
    Dim allChars = If(s1, "").ToUpper().ToCharArray()
    Dim result As New StringBuilder()
    For Each ch As Char In allChars
        If Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) Then
        End If
    Return result.ToString()
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Removes all non-alpha numeric characters and then sorts
''' the words in alphabetical order.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function GetWordSimilarityString(s1 As String) As String
    Dim words As New List(Of String)()
    Dim curWord As StringBuilder = Nothing
    For Each ch As Char In If(s1, "").ToUpper()
        If Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) Then
            If curWord Is Nothing Then
                curWord = New StringBuilder()
            End If
            If curWord IsNot Nothing Then
                curWord = Nothing
            End If
        End If
    If curWord IsNot Nothing Then
    End If

    Return String.Join(" ", words.ToArray())
End Function

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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  2. Zapytanie porównujące daty w SQL

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  4. Zmień nazwę klucza podstawowego w SQL Server (T-SQL)

  5. Napraw komunikat 512 „Podzapytanie zwróciło więcej niż 1 wartość” w SQL Server