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Problem w liczeniu wartości null, a następnie łączeniu ich z istniejącymi wierszami

Trochę niechlujny i najprawdopodobniej można go poprawić

;With RawData AS
    select * from @t
,Ranked1 as
    select *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY GroupId, RowID ORDER BY ID, GroupId, RowID) R from @t
,Ranked2 as
    select *, R - RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY GroupId, RowID ORDER BY ID, GroupId, RowID) R2 from Ranked1
    where Data is null
,Ranked3 as
    select MIN(ID) as MinID, GroupId, RowID, R2, COUNT(*) C2 from Ranked2
    group by GroupId, RowID, R2
,Ranked4 as
    select RD.ID, RD.GroupId, RD.RowID, ISNULL(Data, C2) as C3 from RawData RD
    left join Ranked3 R3 on RD.ID = R3.MinID and RD.GroupId = R3.GroupId and RD.RowID = R3.RowID
    where ISNULL(Data, C2) is not null
,Grouped as
    select GroupId, RowID,
            select isnull(C3, '') from Ranked4 as R41
            where R41.GroupId = R42.GroupId and R41.RowID = R42.RowID
            order by GroupId, RowID for xml path('')
        ) as C4
    from Ranked4 as R42
    group by GroupId, RowID
    select GroupId,
            select ',' + C4 from Grouped as G1
            where G1.GroupId = G2.GroupId
            order by GroupId for xml path('')
        ), 1, 1, '')
    from Grouped G2
    group by GroupId

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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