 sql >> Baza danych >  >> NoSQL >> MongoDB

Biorąc sumę kolumny w MongoDB

Korzystanie z nowej struktury agregacji MongoDB:

$result = $db->command(array(

    'aggregate' => 'COLLECTION_NAME',

    'pipeline'  => array(
        // Match:
        // We can skip this in case that we don't need to filter 
        // documents in order to perform the aggregation
        array('$match' => array(
            // Criteria to match against

        // Group:
        array('$group'  => array(
            // Groupby fields:
            '_id'       => "$fieldname1, $fieldname2, $or_empty, $etc",
            // Count:
            'count'     => array('$sum' => 1),
            // Sum:
            'type_sum'  => array('$sum' => '$type'),

        // Other aggregations may go here as it's really a PIPE :p


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