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Jak mogę policzyć miesięczny dzień dzisiejszy w laravelu?

To jest twoja funkcja kontrolera

public function employeeAttendance(Request $request)
    $employeeName = User::all();
    $countMonth   = (!empty($request->get('month')) ? intval($request->get('month')) : 0);
    $countYear    = (!empty($request->get('year')) ? intval($request->get('year')) : 0);
    $firstDay     = new DateTime(date('F jS Y h:i:s A', strtotime('first day of ' . date('Y-m', strtotime("$countYear-$countYear")))));
    $lastDay      = new DateTime(date('F jS Y h:i:s A', strtotime('last day of ' . date('Y-m', strtotime("$countYear-$countYear")))));

    $employeeLeave = LeaveManagement::where('yourdatefield', '>=', $firstDay)
        ->where('yourdatefield', '<=', $lastDay)->get();
    $totalWorkingDays = 0;
    if (!empty($countMonth && $countYear)) {
        $totalWorkingDays = $this->countDays($countYear, $countMonth, array(0, 6));
    $result = [];
    foreach ($employeeLeave as $empleave) {
        if ($empleave->type == 'casual') {
            $result[$empleave->name]['casual'][] = $empleave;
        if ($empleave->type == 'medical') {
            $result[$empleave->name]['medical'][] = $empleave;
    return view('pages.attendance', compact('employeeName', 'totalWorkingDays', 'employeeLeave','result'));

public function countDays($year, $month, $ignore)
    $count   = 0;
    $counter = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
    while (date("n", $counter) == $month) {
        if (!in_array(date("w", $counter), $ignore)) {
        $counter = strtotime("+1 day", $counter);
    return $count;

Zmieniłem trochę forloop

for ($year = 2000; $year <= 2050; $year++) {
    $selected = (isset($getYear) && $getYear == $year) ? 'selected' : '';
    echo "<option value='$year' $selected>$year</option>";

Odpocznij, wszystko zostało omówione w poprzednim pytaniu, sprawdź, czy działa.


Utwórz tablicę wyników po pobraniu danych dla $employeeLeave

$result = [];
foreach ($employeeLeave as $empleave) {
    if ($empleave->type == 'casual') {
        $result[$empleave->name]['casual'][] = $empleave;
    if ($empleave->type == 'medical') {
        $result[$empleave->name]['medical'][] = $empleave;

wyślij $result do ostrza.

Zmień strukturę tabeli HTML jak poniżej,

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped ">
            <th>Employee Name</th>
            <th>Present Day</th>
            <th>Casual Leave</th>
            <th>Medical Leave</th>
        @foreach($result as $empname => $empleave)
                <td>{{ $empname }}</td>
                <td>{{ $totalWorkingDays }}</td>
                <td>{{ count($result[$empname]['casual']) }}</td>
                <td>{{ count($result[$empname]['medical']) }}</td>


  1. Redis
  3. MongoDB
  5. Memcached
  7. HBase
  9. CouchDB
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