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Używanie MySQL GROUP_CONCAT lub PIVOT na wielu połączonych tabelach

Oto makieta PIVOT zastosowanie rownum do nauczycieli:

select s.col_entry,
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Title' then s.col_value end) AS 'Title',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Course' then s.col_value end) AS 'Course',
  max(case when b.col_inquiry_name = 'Description' then b.col_value end) AS 'Description',
  max(case when d.col_inquiry_name = 'Semester' then d.col_value end) AS 'Semester',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Location' then s.col_value end) AS 'Location',
  max(case when tch.grp = 'Teachers_01' then tch.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_01',
  max(case when tch.grp = 'Teachers_02' then tch.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_02',
  max(case when tch.grp = 'Teachers_03' then tch.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_03',
  max(case when tch.grp = 'Teachers_04' then tch.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_04',
  max(case when tch.grp = 'Teachers_05' then tch.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_05'
from smallText s
left join bigText b
  on s.col_entry = b.col_entry 
left join date d
  on b.col_entry = d.col_entry 
left join
  select col_entry, col_value, concat('Teachers_0', group_row_number) grp
    select col_entry, col_value,
      @num := if(@col_entry = `col_entry`, @num + 1, 1) as group_row_number,
      @col_entry := `col_entry` as dummy
    from smallText , (SELECT @rn:=0) r
    where col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
      and col_value != ''
  ) x
) tch
  on s.col_entry = tch.col_entry
group by s.col_entry;

zobacz SQL Fiddle z wersją demonstracyjną

Edycja nr 1 na podstawie dodatkowego pola, które podałeś col_order możesz go użyć do określenia nauczycieli bez użycia rownum zmienne:

select s.col_entry,
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Title' then s.col_value end) AS 'Title',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Course' then s.col_value end) AS 'Course',
  max(case when b.col_inquiry_name = 'Description' then b.col_value end) AS 'Description',
  max(case when d.col_inquiry_name = 'Semester' then d.col_value end) AS 'Semester',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Location' then s.col_value end) AS 'Location',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
        and s.col_order = 1 then s.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_01',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
        and s.col_order = 2 then s.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_02',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
        and s.col_order = 3 then s.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_03',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
        and s.col_order = 4 then s.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_04',
  max(case when s.col_inquiry_name = 'Teachers'
        and s.col_order = 5 then s.col_value end) AS 'Teachers_05'
from smallText s
left join bigText b
  on s.col_entry = b.col_entry 
left join date d
  on b.col_entry = d.col_entry 
group by s.col_entry

zobacz SQL Fiddle z wersją demonstracyjną

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Yii2 wyświetla dane dla każdej pętli

  2. Jak możesz dołączyć do tego samego stołu, dwa razy, w mysql?

  3. instrukcja fail execute z php i mysql

  4. Mysql:Przytnij wszystkie pola w bazie danych

  5. Sprawdzanie zakresu Mysql zamiast użycia indeksu przy łączeniu wewnętrznym