Gdy zaczniesz stosować warunki w swoich zapytaniach, zwróć uwagę na następującą funkcję:newQuery()
. Ta funkcja pozwoli Ci uruchomić nowy konstruktor zapytań i połączyć z nim filtry/zamówienia.
Przykładowy schemat:
Kolumny w Produkcie tabela:
id | name | price | date_received
Kolumny w product_tag tabela:
id | tag_id | product_id
Kolumna w tagu tabela:
id | name
- Wiele produktów ma wiele tagów
Nie będę konfigurować elokwentnych modeli, ale pamiętaj, że model produktu ma tag()
funkcja z hasManyThrough()
Skonfigurowano klasę filtrów, której głównym celem jest stosowanie filtrów i zamawianie według. Uwaga:klasa może być jeszcze bardziej abstrakcyjna.
Twoja klasa filtra:
class ProductFilter {
* Fluent query builder
* @var mixed $queryBuilder
private $queryBuilder;
* Http Request
* @var \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
protected $request;
* Filters collection
* @var array $filters
private $filters = [];
* Order Bys Collection
* @var array $orderBys
private $orderBys = [];
* Class constructor
* @param array $input
public function __construct(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, &$queryBuilder)
//Initialize Query Builder
$this->queryBuilder = $queryBuilder;
//Get input
$this->request = $request;
//Register Filters
//Register Order Bys
* Register Filters in the function below
* Each filter is in the form of an array
private function registerFilters()
$this->filters['product_name'] = ['name'=>'Name',
'value' => $this->request->get('filter_product_name'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('filter_product_name'),
'function' => 'filterProductName'
$this->filters['tag'] = ['name'=>'End Date',
'value' => $this->request->get('filter_tag'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('filter_tag'),
'function' => 'filterTag'
* Check if any filters are active
* Useful to show/hide filter bar
* @return bool
public function isFiltersActive()
return (boolean)count(
return $v['enabled'] === true;
* Register Order Bys in the function below
* Each order by is in the form of an array
private function registerOrderBys()
$this->orderBys['name'] = [
'name' => 'Order By Name',
'value' => $this->request->get('order_by_product_name','ASC'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('order_by_product_name'),
'function' => 'orderByProductName'
* Check if any order bys are active
* Useful to show/hide order by bar
* @return bool
public function isOrderBysActive()
return (boolean)count(
return $v['enabled'] === true;
* Apply Filters
* Loop through each filter, check if they are enabled. If they are, apply filter to query builder
public function applyFilters()
foreach($this->filters as $filter_name => $filter_array)
if($filter_array['enabled'] &&
array_key_exists('function',$filter_array) &&
return $this;
* Apply Order Bys
* Loop through each order by, check if they are enabled. If they are, apply order by to query builder
public function applyFilters()
foreach($this->orderBys as $order_by_name => $order_by_array)
if($order_by_array['enabled'] &&
array_key_exists('function',$order_by_array) &&
return $this;
* Filter Functions: START
* Filter by Product Name
* @param array $filterArray
private function filterProductName($filterArray)
* Filter by Product Tag
* @param array $filterArray
private function filterTag($filterArray)
->whereHas('tag',function($query) use ($filterArray){
return $query->where('name','=',$filterArray['value']);
* Filter Functions: END
* Order By Functions: START
* Order By Name
* @param array $orderByArray
private function orderByName($orderByArray)
->orderBy('name', $orderByArray['value']);
* Order By Functions: END
Jak korzystać:
//In my controller function
public function getListOfProducts(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
//Init Product Query
$productQuery = \App\Models\Product()::newQuery();
//Apply all filters and order bys
$productFilter = app('ProductFilter',[$request,$productQuery])->applyFilters()->applyOrderBys();
//Fetch Product Result
$productResult = $productQuery->get();