 sql >> Baza danych >  >> RDS >> Mysql

mysql grupowanie, gdy wartość jest w zakresie

Spróbuj tego:!2/e9372/ 1

Zaletą robienia tego po stronie bazy danych jest to, że możesz użyć zapytania nie tylko w PHP, ale także w Javie, C#, Pythonie itp. I robi się to szybko po stronie bazy danych

  if(idle_state = 1, 
       concat('Idle ', idle_count), 
       concat('NonIdle ', non_idle_count) ) as Period,
  startTime, endTime, duration


    @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
    @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count +if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

    state_group, idle_state,
    min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
    timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
    select *,        
      @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
      @state_group := @state_group + 
                      if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
      @prev_state := @idle_state
    from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
    order by tbl.timeStamp
  ) as x
  ,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
  group by state_group, idle_state

) as summary


|    PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|    Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| NonIdle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|    Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| NonIdle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Zobacz postęp zapytania tutaj:!2 /e9372/1

Jak to działa:

Pięć kroków.

Najpierw oddziel bezczynność od nie bezczynności:

select *,
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state
from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
order by tbl.timeStamp;


|                  TIMESTAMP |  RPM | Y | IDLE_STATE |
| May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 |  802 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:03:45-0700 |  845 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:04:50-0700 |  825 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |  810 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | 1000 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:08:03-0700 | 1005 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:09:05-0700 | 1145 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 | 1110 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 |  800 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:12:22-0700 |  812 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:13:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | 1200 | 0 |          0 |

Po drugie, podziel zmiany na grupy:

select *,  
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
  @state_group := @state_group + 
                  if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
  @prev_state := @idle_state

from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
order by tbl.timeStamp;


| May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 |  802 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:03:45-0700 |  845 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:04:50-0700 |  825 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |  810 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | 1000 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:08:03-0700 | 1005 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:09:05-0700 | 1145 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 | 1110 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 |  800 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:12:22-0700 |  812 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:13:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | 1200 | 0 |          0 |           4 |                          0 |

Po trzecie, pogrupuj je i oblicz czas trwania:

  state_group, idle_state,
  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
  select *,    
    @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
    @state_group := @state_group + 
                    if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
    @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x
group by state_group, idle_state;


| STATE_GROUP | IDLE_STATE |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|           1 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
|           2 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|           3 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
|           4 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Po czwarte, uzyskaj liczbę bezczynności i nie bezczynności:


  @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
  @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count + if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

  state_group, idle_state,
  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
  select *,        
    @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
    @state_group := @state_group + 
                    if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
    @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x
,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
group by state_group, idle_state;


|          1 |              0 |           1 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
|          1 |              1 |           2 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|          2 |              1 |           3 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
|          2 |              2 |           4 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Na koniec usuń zmienne pomostowe:

  if(idle_state = 1, 
       concat('Idle ', idle_count), 
       concat('NonIdle ', non_idle_count) ) as Period,
  startTime, endTime, duration


    @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
    @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count +if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

    state_group, idle_state,
    min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
    timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
    select *,        
      @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
      @state_group := @state_group + 
                      if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
      @prev_state := @idle_state
    from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
    order by tbl.timeStamp
  ) as x
  ,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
  group by state_group, idle_state

) as summary


|    PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|    Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| NonIdle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|    Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| NonIdle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Zobacz postęp zapytania tutaj:!2/ e9372/1


Zapytanie mogło zostać skrócone!2/418cb /1

Jeśli zauważysz, numer kropki pojawia się po prostu w tandemie (idle-nonIdle,idle-nonIdle i tak dalej). Możesz po prostu to zrobić:


  case when idle_state then
     concat('Idle ', @rn := @rn + 1) 
     concat('Non-idle ', @rn )
  end as Period,

  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,

  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration

  select *,        
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
  @state_group := @state_group + if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
  @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x,
(select @rn := 0) as rx
group by state_group, idle_state


|     PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|     Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| Non-idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|     Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| Non-idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Dostęp do bazy danych GWT bez RPC

  2. Skrobak do stołu obrotowego MySQL

  3. Przechowywanie numerów ubezpieczenia społecznego

  4. INSERT z warunkiem

  5. Funkcja okna w zapytaniach MySQL