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Jak zmienić nazwę bazy danych mongodb

Wymyśliłem rozwiązanie, które działa dla mnie. To prawda, że ​​mam do czynienia z mniejszymi bazami danych, ale to może rozwiązać problem dla niektórych.

/// <summary>
///  Renames old database to new database by copying all its collected contents
///  ToDO: Add checks and balances to ensure all items were transferred correctly over
///  Disclaimer: use at own risk and adjust to your needs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentName"></param>
/// <param name="newName"></param>
public void renameDatabase(string currentName, string newName)

    this.mongoClient.DropDatabase(newName); //we drop the new database in case it exists

    var newDb = mongoClient.GetDatabase(newName); //get an instance of the new db

    var CurrentDb = mongoClient.GetDatabase(currentName); //get an instance of the current db

    foreach (BsonDocument Col in CurrentDb.ListCollections().ToList()) //work thru all collections in the current db
        string name = Col["name"].AsString; //getting collection name

        //collection of items to copy from source collection
        dynamic collectionItems = CurrentDb.GetCollection<dynamic>(name).Find(Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Empty).ToList();

        //getting instance of new collection to store the current db collection items
        dynamic destinationCollection = newDb.GetCollection<dynamic>(name);

        //insert the source items into the new destination database collection

    //removing the old datbase

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