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Tablica obiektów zbudowana z formatu JSON nie wyświetla się na mojej mapie Google

Otrzymuję błędy JavaScript, gdy uruchamiam opublikowany kod w odpowiedzi JSON:

  1. istnieje nieistotny ' w opublikowanym ciągu JSON
  2. Dane utworzone z Twojej odpowiedzi dynamicznej nie pasują do zakodowanego obiektu.

obiekt zakodowany na stałe:

  // ...
  seekAdventure: [],
  blogs: [] 

Odpowiedź JSON tworzy to:

  // ...
  seekAdventureGuideList: [],
  blogGuideList: [] 

sprawdzić koncepcję skrzypiec

fragment kodu:

var gmarkers1 = [];
var markers1 = [];
var infowindow;
var lastmarker = null;
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "getMyJSON.php";

var SawtoothPassTrailhead = {
  name: "Sawtooth Pass Trailhead",
  lat: 36.453165,
  long: -118.596751,
  type: "backpacking",

  //Title then link
  seekAdventure: [],
  blogs: ['Mineral King Loop – Sequoia National Park (45 Mile Loop) - Backpackers Review', ''],
  youtTube: []

var response = '[{"TrailHeadID":"1","TrailHeadName":"Tanner Trail - Grand Canyon","TrailHeadLat":"36.03260","TrailHeadLong":"-111.85250","GuideTitle":"1 Week Traversing the Grand Canyon","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/94-1-week-traversing-the-grand-canyon","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"2","TrailHeadName":"Badger Pass - Yosemite","TrailHeadLat":"37.66480","TrailHeadLong":"-119.66340","GuideTitle":"22 Hours of Driving, 1.5 Days of Snowshoeing, Yosemite National Park","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/79-22-hours-of-driving-1-5-days-of-snowshoeing-yosemite-nationa","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"2","TrailHeadName":"Badger Pass - Yosemite","TrailHeadLat":"37.66480","TrailHeadLong":"-119.66340","GuideTitle":"Snowshoeing to Dewey Point in Yosemite (Socal Hike)r","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/snowshoeing-to-dewey-point-in-yosemite\/","GuideMediaType":"blog"},{"TrailHeadID":"3","TrailHeadName":"Descanso Beach - Catalina","TrailHeadLat":"33.35040","TrailHeadLong":"-118.32820","GuideTitle":"Kayak Camping Catalina Island","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/76-kayak-camping-catalina-island","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"4","TrailHeadName":"Trans Catalina Trail","TrailHeadLat":"33.34030","TrailHeadLong":"-118.32620","GuideTitle":"Mini Trans Catalina Trail","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/73-mini-trans-catalina-trip","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"4","TrailHeadName":"Trans Catalina Trail","TrailHeadLat":"33.34030","TrailHeadLong":"-118.32620","GuideTitle":"Backpacking the Trans-Catalina Trail (Bearfoot Theory)","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/backpacking-the-trans-catalina-trail\/","GuideMediaType":"blog"},{"TrailHeadID":"5","TrailHeadName":"High Sierra Trail","TrailHeadLat":"36.55470","TrailHeadLong":"-118.74890","GuideTitle":"High Sierra Trail Complete Guide","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/22-california-high-sierra-trail-to-mt-whitney","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"5","TrailHeadName":"High Sierra Trail","TrailHeadLat":"36.55470","TrailHeadLong":"-118.74890","GuideTitle":"High Sierra Trail (SoCal Hiker)","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/overview-of-the-high-sierra-trail\/","GuideMediaType":"blog"},{"TrailHeadID":"6","TrailHeadName":"Deer Springs Trail - San Jacinto","TrailHeadLat":"33.75300","TrailHeadLong":"-116.72270","GuideTitle":"Deer Springs Trail","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/26-california-deer-springs-trail-san-jacinto-mountain","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"7","TrailHeadName":"Reflection Canyon","TrailHeadLat":"37.25220","TrailHeadLong":"-110.97350","GuideTitle":"Reflection Canyon","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/24-utah-photographing-reflection-canyon","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"7","TrailHeadName":"Reflection Canyon","TrailHeadLat":"37.25220","TrailHeadLong":"-110.97350","GuideTitle":"Reflection Canyon Backpacking Guide (Clever Hiker)","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/blog\/reflection-canyon-backpacking-guide","GuideMediaType":"blog"},{"TrailHeadID":"8","TrailHeadName":"Big Pine Lakes - North Fork Trail","TrailHeadLat":"37.12820","TrailHeadLong":"-118.42770","GuideTitle":"North Fork to 2nd Lake Sierra Nevada in a Snow Storm","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/18-california-north-fork-to-2nd-lake-sierra-nevada-in-a-snow-storm","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"},{"TrailHeadID":"8","TrailHeadName":"Big Pine Lakes - North Fork Trail","TrailHeadLat":"37.12820","TrailHeadLong":"-118.42770","GuideTitle":"Hiking To Big Pine Lakes via The North Fork Trail (Trail to Peak)","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/2017\/07\/09\/hiking-to-big-pine-lakes-via-the-north-fork-trail\/","GuideMediaType":"blog"},{"TrailHeadID":"9","TrailHeadName":"Fish Creek Wash Anza Borrego","TrailHeadLat":"33.03872","TrailHeadLong":"-116.09941","GuideTitle":"Jeeping in Fish Creek Wash Anza Borrego","GuideLink":"https:\/\/\/d\/99-jeeping-in-fish-creek-wash-anza-borrego","GuideMediaType":"SeekAdventure"}]';


var markers2 = new Array();

function myFunction(response) {
  var arr = JSON.parse(response);
  var i;
  var localTrailHeadID;
  var trailHeadCounter = 0;
  var TrailHeadObject;
  var lastTrailHeadID = 0;

  //set array conts all to zero
  var seekAdventureCount;
  var blogsCount;
  var youtubeCount;

  var j = 0;

  //for each row returned by mySQL
  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    localTrailHeadID = arr[i].TrailHeadID;

    //if previuse trailhead is the same as the current trail head get info and add to correct array
    if (localTrailHeadID == lastTrailHeadID) {
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "SeekAdventure") {
        TrailHeadObject.seekAdventureGuideList[seekAdventureCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        seekAdventureCount = seekAdventureCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.seekAdventureGuideList[seekAdventureCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        seekAdventureCount = seekAdventureCount + 1;
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "blog") {
        TrailHeadObject.blogGuideList[blogsCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        blogsCount = blogsCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.blogGuideList[blogsCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        blogsCount = blogsCount + 1;
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "YouTube") {
        TrailHeadObject.youTubegGuideList[youtubeCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        youtubeCount = youtubeCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.youTubegGuideList[youtubeCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        youtubeCount = youtubeCount + 1;


    //create new object and then add guide to correct array
    else {

      //add object to array of markers except on first round
      if (j == 0) {
        j = j + 1;
      } else {
        markers1[trailHeadCounter] = TrailHeadObject;

        trailHeadCounter = trailHeadCounter + 1;

      //create new trailhead object
      TrailHeadObject = new Object();

      //set array counters to zero
      var seekAdventureCount = 0;
      var blogsCount = 0;
      var youtubeCount = 0;

      //set name lat and long = arr[i].TrailHeadName;
      console.log(arr[i].TrailHeadName); = arr[i].TrailHeadLat;
      TrailHeadObject.long = arr[i].TrailHeadLong;

      //set TrailHeadObject Guide arrays to empty
      TrailHeadObject.seekAdventureGuideList = [];
      TrailHeadObject.blogGuideList = [];
      TrailHeadObject.youTubegGuideList = [];

      //Add trail Guide
      //check first guide media type and add to correct Array
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "SeekAdventure") {
        TrailHeadObject.seekAdventureGuideList[seekAdventureCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        seekAdventureCount = seekAdventureCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.seekAdventureGuideList[seekAdventureCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        seekAdventureCount = seekAdventureCount + 1;
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "blog") {
        TrailHeadObject.blogGuideList[blogsCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        blogsCount = blogsCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.blogGuideList[blogsCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        blogsCount = blogsCount + 1;
      if (arr[i].GuideMediaType == "YouTube") {
        TrailHeadObject.youTubegGuideList[youtubeCount] = arr[i].GuideTitle;
        youtubeCount = youtubeCount + 1;
        TrailHeadObject.youTubegGuideList[youtubeCount] = arr[i].GuideLink;
        youtubeCount = youtubeCount + 1;

    } // end else statement

    //set last trailhead ID
    lastTrailHeadID = localTrailHeadID;
  } //end for Loop
} //end my function

//Proceses JSON Info and build Objects and place into markers1 arrray

//add Hike Objects to Array////
 * Function to init map

// Before we go looking for the passed parameters, set some defaults
// in case there are no parameters
var id;
var index = -1;

//set initial map values
var lat = 40.534900;
var lng = -101.343789;
var zoom = 4;

// If there are any parameters at eh end of the URL, they will be in
// looking something like  "?marker=3"

// skip the first character, we are not interested in the "?"
var query =;

// split the rest at each "&" character to give a list of  "argname=value"  pairs
var pairs = query.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
  // break each pair at the first "=" to obtain the argname and value
  var pos = pairs[i].indexOf("=");
  var argname = pairs[i].substring(0, pos).toLowerCase();
  var value = pairs[i].substring(pos + 1).toLowerCase();

  // process each possible argname  -  use unescape() if theres any chance of spaces
  if (argname == "id") {
    id = unescape(value);
  if (argname == "marker") {
    index = parseFloat(value);
  if (argname == "lat") {
    lat = parseFloat(value);
  if (argname == "lng") {
    lng = parseFloat(value);
  if (argname == "zoom") {
    zoom = parseInt(value);
  if (argname == "type") {
    // from the v3 documentation 8/24/2010
    // HYBRID This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. 
    // ROADMAP This map type displays a normal street map. 
    // SATELLITE This map type displays satellite images. 
    // TERRAIN This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation. 
    if (value == "m") {
      maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP;
    if (value == "k") {
      maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE;
    if (value == "h") {
      maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID;
    if (value == "t") {
      maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN;

function makeLink() {
  var mapinfo = "lat=" + map.getCenter().lat().toFixed(6) +
    "&lng=" + map.getCenter().lng().toFixed(6) +
    "&zoom=" + map.getZoom() +
    "&type=" + MapTypeId2UrlValue(map.getMapTypeId());
  if (lastmarker) {
    var a = "" + + "&" + mapinfo;
    var b = "" + lastmarker.index + "&" + mapinfo;
  } else {
    var a = "" + mapinfo;
    var b = a;

  document.getElementById("idlink").innerHTML = '<a href="' + a + '" id=url target=_new>Share Current Map View</a>';

function MapTypeId2UrlValue(maptype) {
  var urlValue = 'm';
  switch (maptype) {
    case google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID:
      urlValue = 'h';
    case google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE:
      urlValue = 'k';
    case google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN:
      urlValue = 't';
    case google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP:
      urlValue = 'm';
  return urlValue;
//initialize map 
function initialize() {
  var center = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: zoom,
    center: center,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN

  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions);
  for (i = 0; i < markers1.length; i++) {
    console.log("inside new google map");

  infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content: ''

  // Make the link the first time when the page opens
  lastmarker = null;

  // Make the link again whenever the map changes
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'maptypeid_changed', makeLink);
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'center_changed', makeLink);
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', makeLink);
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', makeLink);

  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {
    lastmarker = null;

 * Function to add marker to map

function addMarker(marker) {
  var category = marker.type;
  var title =;
  var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(, marker.long);
  var content = BuildBubbleHTML(marker);

  marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
    title: title,
    position: pos,
    category: category,
    map: map


  // Marker click listener
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, 'click', (function(marker1, content) {
    return function() {
      infowindow.setContent(content);, marker1);
  })(marker1, content));

///Functions For Links///

//put pop up bubble html together 
function BuildBubbleHTML(hike) {
  html = "";
  html = html + '<h6>' + + '</h6>';
  //If Seek Adventure Links Exist
  if (hike.seekAdventureGuideList.length > 0) {
    seekAdventureHTML = '<p>Seek Adventure Links</p>';
    seekAdventureHTML = seekAdventureHTML + '<ul>'
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < hike.seekAdventureGuideList.length; i += 2) {
      seekAdventureHTML = seekAdventureHTML + '<li>';
      seekAdventureHTML = seekAdventureHTML + '<a href="' + hike.seekAdventureGuideList[i + 1] + '"target="_blank">';
      seekAdventureHTML = seekAdventureHTML + hike.seekAdventureGuideList[i] + '</a></li>';
    seekAdventureHTML = seekAdventureHTML + '</ul>';
    html = html + seekAdventureHTML;

  //If Blog Links Exist
  if (hike.blogGuideList.length > 0) {
    blogHTML = '<p>Blog Links</p>';
    blogHTML = blogHTML + '<ul>'
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < hike.blogGuideList.length; i += 2) {
      blogHTML = blogHTML + '<li>';
      blogHTML = blogHTML + '<a href="' + hike.blogGuideList[i + 1] + '""target="_blank">';
      blogHTML = blogHTML + hike.blogGuideList[i] + '</a></li>';
    blogHTML = blogHTML + '</ul>';
    html = html + blogHTML;
  return html;
#map-canvas {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
<div id="map-canvas"></div>
<!-- Replace the value of the key parameter with your own API key. -->
<script src="" async defer></script>
<div id="idlink" style="display:none"></div>

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