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sql nadrzędne drzewo potomne z porządkiem sortowania

Rekurencyjne CTE ze specjalnym nadpisaniem sortowania. Zwróć uwagę na nadpisanie sortowania u dzieci 2 (nieznacznie zmodyfikowałem tabelę źródłową, aby przetestować tę umiejętność)

declare @relations table(ParentID int, ChildID int, SortOrder int, treeID int);

insert into @relations values
(0,1,0,0), (1,2,1,0), (2,3,2,0), (2,4,1,0), (2,6,3,0), (1,7,2,0), (1,9,3,0), (9,10,1,0), (9,12,2,0) --tree 0
, (0,1,0,1), (1,2,1,1), (2,3,2,1), (2,4,1,1), (2,6,3,1), (1,7,2,1), (1,9,3,1), (9,10,1,1), (9,12,2,1) --tree 1

; with cte(ParentId,ChildId,SortOrder,depth,agg,treeID) as (
    select null,ParentId,SortOrder,0
    , right('0000000'+CAST(treeID as varchar(max)),7)
        +right('0000000'+CAST(SortOrder as varchar(max)),7)
    , treeID
    from @relations where ParentId=0
    union all
    select cte.ChildId,r.ChildId,r.SortOrder,cte.depth+1
    , cte.agg
        +right('0000000'+CAST(r.treeID as varchar(max)),7)
        +right('0000000'+CAST(r.SortOrder as varchar(max)),7)
        +right('0000000'+CAST(r.ChildId as varchar(max)),7)
    , r.treeID
    from cte
    inner join @relations r on r.ParentID=cte.ChildId
    where cte.depth<32767
    and r.treeID=cte.treeID
tree=case depth when 1 then cast(ParentID as varchar(30))+' (sort '+cast(SortOrder as varchar(30))+')'
    else REPLICATE(CHAR(9),depth-1)
        + cast(ChildId as varchar(30))+' (sort '+cast(SortOrder as varchar(30))+')'
from cte
where depth>0
order by agg
option (maxrecursion 32767);


0 (sort 0)
    2 (sort 1)
        4 (sort 1)
        3 (sort 2)
        6 (sort 3)
    7 (sort 2)
    9 (sort 3)
        10 (sort 1)
        12 (sort 2)
0 (sort 0)
    2 (sort 1)
        4 (sort 1)
        3 (sort 2)
        6 (sort 3)
    7 (sort 2)
    9 (sort 3)
        10 (sort 1)
        12 (sort 2)

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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