Jeśli naprawdę chcesz zrobić to w PHP, możesz po prostu zwinąć własne. Ale zdecydowanie sugeruję używanie wtyczek jquery do tworzenia stronicowania, aby było łatwiej. Biorąc to pod uwagę, jeśli chcesz zwinąć swój własny, możesz zrobić coś takiego (trochę niechlujny, ale coś takiego). Rozważ ten przykład:
$sample_data = '{ "qqq": [ { "a": "Conne", "b": "1", "c": "2014-05-19T15:40:06+05:30", "d": { "d1": "dani", "d6": "admin" } }, { "a": "test1", "b": "1235", "c": "2014- 05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test2", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test3", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test4", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test5", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test6", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test7", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test8", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test9", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test10", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } }, { "a": "test11", "b": "1235", "c": "2014-05-27T11:23:11+05:30", "d": { "d1": "sev", "d6": "eev" } } ]}';
// just normal getting data
$raw_data = json_decode($sample_data, true);
$raw_data = $raw_data['qqq'];
// use get variable to paging number
$page = !isset($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page'];
$limit = 5; // five rows per page
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; // offset
$total_items = count($raw_data); // total items
$total_pages = ceil($total_items / $limit);
$final = array_splice($raw_data, $offset, $limit); // splice them according to offset and limit
<!-- print links -->
<?php for($x = 1; $x <= $total_pages; $x++): ?>
<a href='index.php?page=<?php echo $x; ?>'><?php echo $x; ?></a>
<?php endfor; ?>
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<tr><th>Column 1</th><th>Column 2</th><th>Time</th><th>Column 4</th></tr>
<?php foreach($final as $key => $value): ?>
<?php foreach($value as $index => $element): ?>
<td><?php echo !is_array($element) ? $element : implode(',', $element); ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>