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Zapytanie Postgres SQL do podsumowania danych o błędach

Mam nadzieję, że Twoje zapytanie dotyczące struktury i tabela oraz poniższe zapytanie pomogą Ci.

Możesz zobaczyć moją tabelę struktury i wynik zapytania:dbfiddle

Bez agregatu:

with allow_category as (select unnest(array [
    ]::text[]) category)
select distinct ctextid,
                initcap(kcy.key)                                                   as typeofcorrection,
                initcap(regexp_replace(kc.key, '([a-z])([A-Z])', '\1 \2', 'g'))    as errorpara,
                case when f ? 'from' then f -> 'from' ->> 'code' else '' end       as oldvalue,
                case when f ? 'to' then f -> 'to' ->> 'code' else f ->> 'code' end as newvalue
from qareport q
         cross join jsonb_each(q.codemap) as kc
         cross join jsonb_each(kc.value) as kcy
         join jsonb_array_elements(kcy.value) f on true
where kc.key in (select * from allow_category)
  and kcy.key in ('added', 'revised', 'removed')
  and (
        jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'added') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'revised') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'removed') > 0

Z agregatem:

with allow_category as (select unnest(array [
    ]::text[]) category)
select distinct ctextid,
                initcap(kcy.key)                                                   as typeofcorrection,
                initcap(regexp_replace(kc.key, '([a-z])([A-Z])', '\1 \2', 'g'))    as errorpara,
                case when f ? 'from' then f -> 'from' ->> 'code' else '' end       as oldvalue,
                    when f ? 'to' then f -> 'to' ->> 'code'
                    else string_agg(f ->> 'code', ',')
                         over (partition by ctextid, vbillid, kcy.key, kc.key) end as newvalue
from qareport q
         cross join jsonb_each(q.codemap) as kc
         cross join jsonb_each(kc.value) as kcy
         join jsonb_array_elements(kcy.value) f on true
where kc.key in (select * from allow_category)
  and kcy.key in ('added', 'revised', 'removed')
  and (
        jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'added') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'revised') > 0
        or jsonb_array_length(kc.value -> 'removed') > 0

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
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